“Few immersive companies meld storytelling and design with the aplomb that Reynoso and Optika Moderna do…”
LA Times: La Jolla Playhouse’s immersive ‘La Lucha’ finds heartbreak and mystery in the world of lucha libre wrestling
The San Diego Union-Tribune: The highly detailed experience of the show was the best I’ve had…
KPBS: No two people will experience the same thing … the show leads you to a cantina at the end where strangers can turn an individual experience into a communal one.
Secret San Diego: An epic adventure that will explode expectations and change your perceptions.
The San Diego Union-Tribune: Optika Moderna to preview ‘La Lucha’ immersive theater event at WOW Festival
Union-Tribune en Español: Optika Moderna presentará el espectáculo de teatro inmersivo ‘La Lucha’
No Proscenium: NoPro’s 10 Most Anticipated New Works of 2023 (So Far)
No Proscenium Podcast: A Sneak Peek at ‘LA LUCHA’ with David Israel Reynoso (March 31)